Sunday 26 January 2014

Www. Not the World Wide Web.....

I've now competed four weeks of my ironman training only 6 months to go...I've not posted for the last couple of weeks as partly because I didn't want to get into a regular expectation of posting weekly and mainly because I've not had much free time!

It's been a really interesting couple of weeks, I've been spending more time with Tony Blackburn in the garage but not with many other people! Sports people have often talked about how lonely the life of an endurance athlete can be and I've started to notice  this last couple of weeks. Coming into the plan I had been injured and not fit enough to run with my usual run group and I've been working hard to stick to the triathlon training plan and nobody in my usual local running or tri circles are following a similar it's been just me and the plan. I've enjoyed some time with myself but keeping banging out the base miles with a low heart rate has felt hard whilst reading everybody's else's posts about personal bests and what great fun they've been having on this run or that run.

I've had my Ted with me on the easy runs and one particular memory and the first W is wobbly legs, just me and Ted doing a run off the bike at 6 am round the resers where I live with the wobbly bike legs in the dark....there was one other person out with a dog...who I think may have thought I was on my home from a very good Tuesday night out on the ale!! For those that don't know Ted...he's every bodies favourite border terrier.

The next W is for washing....I seem to be a one woman laundry. With 9 sessions a week I'm going through some kit...keeping on top of keeping it all clean is a challenge, never mind trying to locate which bag it's in,have I got the swim bag in the boot or my cycling shoes in the office....whilst we're on about work that's been tough, busy and I've noticed how important it is to get my sessions done in the morning where possible as Ive been leaving late and not having much energy for the evening sessions after a full day at the coal face.

The final W is to my new nick name that I've allocated myself "Wincey" I've become more obsessed and better at forecasting than Wincey Willis the old TVAM weather girl....I watch that weather looking for the slightest bit of a gap in the rain and wind to get out on my bike.....I think I need some "coaching" from Micheal Fish as yesterday I ended up out in that horrendous storm..

Until next time

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