Tuesday 11 February 2014

Anything you can do I can shoe better :-)

Those of you who have been following my posts from the beginning will recall that training for the ironman is an experiment for me....to see what happens, to see what I learn about myself, my capabilities and where it leads me. Since I last posted Ive done some serious learning! 

I wonder at what point my life changed from living from day to day, to planning two, maybe three years in advance. I've never been somebody who planned far ahead but since fitness came into my life I've started to realise that the are so many events that I want to have a crack at, so many things I'd like to try, so many things I need to experience, that I need to pace myself and not try to do them all in one year. I've found myself starting to plan for my 2016 goals already. 

In the last couple of weeks I've learnt about the importance of short term planning too, I've missed a couple of sessions and suffered the guilt that most of us feel when we've not stuck to "our plan" for our training sessions, I've done a bit of thinking about why this has been. Routine and organisation seem to be the key, just knowing which session I'm doing on what day and not getting into any debate about if or when I'm doing it means that it will happen. Now, organisation is key to make the session happen, at the minute I feel like my car is a walking fitness wardrobe, with various different PE kits, in different bags, swimming, running and cycling stuff, for before work ,for after work etc. I arrived late to a track session at harriers last week, dashed in to the changing rooms with my running PE kit, got changed to discover I only had one trainer! I ran half a mile to my car in one work shoe and one trainer.....the other trainer was in the boot of my car...phew....I only got a few funny looks!the run session was on.

This next snippet of my training life links to the challenge of organisation and last times post about my increasing laundry..... I went for an easy run one evening last week, I started by running down the hill from my house, nice and easy, heart rate in the low zone was the plan. A couple of minutes in I checked and my heart rate was almost 200, way too high, I felt ok, but this wasn't right, I wasn't working hard, I was going down hill, but this wasn't right....panic set in.....should I stop? Should I call an ambulance? Do I need to check my life insurance? How will my family cope without me? Is this it? I reached my hand to my chest as thats what they do in the movies when their number is up.....I  was going, leaving this mortal coil, on a damp Wednesday February evening on Tinsle bridge.....I touched my heart rate monitor and realised that I was not wearing my usual underwear.....I was wearing....an underwired bra! The wires were obviously sending my heart rate monitor wild. That night I learnt about the importance of being organised with my laundry....or to invest in more sports bras!

So I'm alive and kicking.....mainly kicking in my swim sessions that is :-)

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