Monday 28 July 2014

Catchphrase...say what you see!

Hi all

I'm not really sure where to start with this blog, which is weird as it's the one that I've always wanted to write....I did it...I am on Outlaw...little ole me did an iron distance triathlon! People like me don't do things like that!

The day started with breakfast at 4:15 am in the B and B where I was staying with a few friends and Ewan who was also competing. We were very quiet, partly not to wake everybody else up and partly with nerves I think......we sat forcing a piece of toast down...Ewan, who doesn't usually swear looked up and whispered " what the f*** are we doing" and I said "I don't know"! It all felt surreal and I think that's your minds way of keeping you that little bit detached from the nerves and the day that is to come.

Off we trotted with our better and long suffering halfs at 5am over the road to transition which was a hive of activity...I shed a few tears when I said goodbye to John at the transition entrance...knowing the day was about to begin..this was had taken so long but had come around so quickly too.....I was on the start line of an Ironman, yes me!

I could write for hours about the race itself but I will spare you the boring detail. In a nutshell the swim start was recorded by Amanda and looked iconic with the sun rising over the lake at the 6 am start time...from the inside of it, it was a different story...rather busy and a bit like a water based boxing match with 1200 people! I got out of the water in good time.

T1 was really odd, so busy but relaxed at the same time. I wanted to make sure I'd got everything and checked and doubled checked everything and off I went out on the bike. I rode keeping my heart rate
at a certain level and just spun my legs. The highlight of the bike was seeing all my friends at Car Colson and the banners that Ewan's girlfriend had made....a shed a little tear whilst thinking "I am doing an ironman" and " it's going rather well"! 6 hours and 54 mins and 112 miles later I was back at the lake, glad to be out of the wind and to give my lady bits a change of position!

I got changed into a fresh top in T2 and just took my time again, making sure to get loads of us cream on it was glaring down on us all and I knew there was a real risk of dehydration and heat stroke. I decided to do regular walks to get lots of fluids on board...I didn't want to risk stopping at this point..the first 10 mile lap was tough and there was a few people that had lost it and were ko'd at the side of the path. I had amazing support from my family and friends which really came into its own on the run course as I saw them several times....and heard them many more! I was told they were the noisiest bunch and were interviewed by the tele's on channel 4 in a couple of weeks. The lake that you had to do 4 trips round got longer every time!

On the start of my very last lap of the lake I started to get a lump in my throat...I was doing an ironman.....I was going to do an ironman...I was going to finish an ironman! As I entered the finishing funnel...which is one of THE best places on earth at that moment in time, slight panic set in...where were my family and friends...I couldn't see them...have they gone home and left me! There they were all lining the funnel....I always knew that whatever the time I didn't care but that I would thank every single one of the individually, for giving me the most amazing support and not just on the day but through the months of training. I was soooo chuffed when I realised I crossed the line to the tune Eat Sleep Train true that was!

So......I did it in 13 hours and 37 minutes which I was well made up with.....

******warning here comes to Jerry Springer/ Jeremy Kyle like closing summary......

People will sometimes hear my shout at races " I want to be like you when I grow up" which I've become well known for. It is of course a way of me saying how much admiration and awe I have for what people are doing, are capable of and genuinely wanting to be able to do my self..

I want to be able to

Ride my bike like Sarah J
Run a marathon like Kerrie
Be as flexible and strong as Charlotte
Run back to back marathons in amazing times like Lou, Helen and Amanda
Run back to back marathons on opposite sides of the world like Andy F
Be as organised and spell as well as Julie
Take 3 hrs off my Bullock Smithy time and plan a holiday for 40 people like Steve ( I told a little white lie about the holiday planning bit)
Run up and down the moors like Caity and Zoe
Make fancy dress costumes like Nige
Be as amazing and thoughtful as my John

....When I grow up

 The are so many qualities, skills and talents in all my friends and family that I've not listed but that I admire on a daily basis.......

But right now, today and for a few days at least....I want to be like me....when I grow up


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