Thursday 22 May 2014

Oooooo getting nervous

A trip to joderall bank on the bike

Well I've entered Peak training phase with a little over 9 weeks to go. The mileage on the bike has been increasing and I've found myself doing some interesting routes in some interesting weather! One particular day ending up in Prestbury on five different occasions.....I wasn't lost..just a little left and right has never been my strong point.

My plan for the next few weeks is to really bang the miles up and focus on practicing fuelling during my long rides. A couple of weeks ago I felt very sick for the last hour of so of a ride, then when I reviewed my Garmin ( no garmingeddon that day!) when I got home I'd burnt 4,800 calories and had a banana! I got some cake down me and within 1/2 hr I had a spring in my step again! Thinking and planning about what to eat, when to eat it and how to keep energy up is hopefully going to help avoid and gastric problems on the day........or the dreaded bonk! ( non- cycling or tri reader please google that in relation to endurance events but remember to have your parental controls on!).  Basically, I'm preparing to have one long picnic along the way to the finish's why I like endurance events so just not the same without the feed stations on the 5k's I do.

Ive taken Paddy (my bike) on a few breaks away and trips out during the training plan...I took him to just near Meadowhell (a shopping centre in Sheffield) to have a full bike fit with my new tri bars.....I learnt a lot about bikes that day....and I had all my angles measured...and apparently that's good for something important.....and I had a new stem...and that's important for something too....and my seat moved and that's dead good for all in all it was very useful.....for something....I think the lad said something about power, hip flexors and running.....

I'm starting to feel the benefits of the strength training I've been doing, I can see how dangling about in one of those TRX trainer things is helping and it's not just for the personal amusement of my trainer....although I do look a sight!

I know it's early but I am starting to get some ebbie geebies about the day already......I'm hoping that I will follow my usual style before a big event which is to feel nervous quite far out but by the time that day comes I've had a word with myself,  engaged my mental strength and feel ready to enjoy whatever comes my way.

Oh....almost forgot....I'm now on the no alcohol and superfood stage.........pass me the mocktails!

Powered by cake!

Wednesday 7 May 2014

Finally out of the garage.....

Leading the way... It's not that cold... Honest!
I'm finally out of the garage..yey! It's felt like a long lonely winter and I'm so glad to see spring. Please forgive me fellow triathletes as I've committed the sin of "going off plan" I've been so desperate for the social side of training and to try and get a bit of speed into my legs that's I've been doing some of the local running's been fab. I've loved getting out with other people, not being too bothered about my performance and using them as training runs but also finding new routes....some of which have been within a mile or two of home.  What I've noticed is that I'm not tired at the end (they have only been 4-6 miles) and that it takes me an age to get going at the start....a sign of good endurance but zilch speed maybe?

11 weeks out nerves are starting to creep in...doubts about my ability to get round on the day...I'm reminding myself that the process is as interesting as the outcome. I've lost things, like contact with my training group and definitely speed in my legs! But also gained many things, seen things, been places and done things that I never thought possible....I plan to stick to the plan now...almost anyway...and just enjoy the rest of the journey...I'm already planning what I will be doing with all my free time come August.....

In other news....I'm giving up alcohol until after the event.....after my next training weekend with mates that is... No need to be hasty now ;-)

Herod Farm Fell Race

You'll notice that I've added some photos this time..... It's taken me a while to understand how to do that..... It was one of my none training goals for the Easter weekend.... Small things eh! My next goal will be for it not to take an hour to get them to appear and to be able to move them so they fit with the text.