Saturday 12 April 2014

Ups and downs.....

It's been a while since my last post, I think it's because I've not been on the turbo much recently....that's normally where I do my best writing! I have to pay attention* whilst out riding on the road, so can't let my mind wander the same.

The last few weeks have been full of ups and downs, both on the bike and generally how strong I've felt. I had a weeks warm weather raining in Cyprus (ooo get me, I sound like an athlete!) and during this week I went places...... Mainly climbs on the bike...that I would never have experienced if not on this training journey. Climbing high in the hills with amazing views and visiting little hidden away villages and coffee shops.....doing things that people like me don't do! Getting lost and stumbling across a full on Cypriot domestic...Jeremy Kyle style was a particular highlight. Coming down the hills.......was interesting....6 mile ups means 6 miles down! My confidence on the bike is finally improving although I have turned into Jeremy Clarkson and hate caravans after I was within a whisker of being taken out by one earlier today.

The down times have been few and far between but last weekend was tough...feeling sad I wasn't experiencing the anxiety and worry of a marathon taper and then the joy of crossing the line in a new pb and being hardly able to walk due to the soreness in my legs from doing loads of squats trying to improve my strength....I ran  Lyme parkrun looking like I had some sort of neurological condition!

Training is at 12hrs a week at the moment, 3 runs, 3 bikes, 3swims, 1 brick session 1 gym/strength session. My legs are feeling heavy quite a bit!

*attention is a code word for talking non stop about who's run what times, won what races, stopping to take pictures of baby animals and looking for shops that sell chocolate