Monday 30 December 2013

Lets get started.......

Most of you who know me will already be aware and maybe bored already of my plans to complete The Outlaw Triathlon in 2014.

The 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike followed finally by a full 26.2 mile marathon run will be a major physical and mental challenge for me. As I embark on my 7 month training plan I thought I would start blogging to capture what I'm treating as a big experiment. An experiment to see just what my swimming, biking and my family and close friends whom I've assigned to my project team....and to my social life!

Why The Outlaw?

This year I completed the half distance triathlon and joined a couple of friends from High Peak Tri club in a relay team for the full distance. Standing at the side of the lake in Nottingham at 5:30 am with the sun rising and lighting the mist on the water....I just knew I had to do it......I knew that next year I would be doing everything in my power to be stood there in my wetsuit ready to start the long 140.6 mile journey to being called over the finish line by the shouts of "you are an Outlaw".

I've been into fitness, running etc for a few years now and one thing I'm sure of is I'm never going to be fast at anything but my strengths are in endurance, keeping going for as long as it takes and using hard work and dedication to get where I'd like to go. Runners and other sorts of athletes are often described as obsessive or addicted...... I liken racing to gambling in some ways...we are always searching for that next win, the pb or the next event off the bucket list...for me it's about trying to go longer, further and trying to do things that my logical mind says aren't first glance that is.....

So today is the start of my training plan and of my blogging career too.........